Sunday 6 November 2011

Write about some issue of local, national, or international concern and its significance to you. (Hope College)

-          I was browsing through Facebook, I had found out that many of my friends had posted statuses on a recent earthquake in Bhutan from that day. The statuses were all about the havoc the earthquake had cause, some say it was the sign of the end of the world.
-          The earthquake’s focal point was in Sikkim, and its magnitude was 6.6. The fact that there was even an earthquake had disturbed the rest of the day. I couldn’t contact my friends and family members as the telephone lines were cut.  This gave me a glimpse of terror my family was facing in Bhutan. “Was everyone alright? Were they hurt? Were they in the hospital, were they in a situation where they were facing death?” all these questions went on in my mind. I sent out numerous text messages and emails. But no one had replied.  I sent messages out to my parents, whom are out of the country, about the news. I had never felt this way before. Disturbed, terrorized and worried.
-          I couldn’t sleep that night. I had thought of all the possibilities that could have happen to them. Most of them were negative thoughts, but I tried so hard not to think negative. I tried so hard not to imagine them hurt in any way. “Why did this happen? How could this happen?” The next day, I woke up early to check my phone for text messages, but there was still none. I got really worried. The whole day in school, I couldn’t concentrate. I kept thinking about, whether my parents were alright or not. After school, in dorms, I checked my email and noticed there were more than 10 emails. Each one was from my family and friends in Bhutan. They said it they were all fine and their homes weren’t damaged. I was so relieved. 

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