Sunday 20 November 2011

What is your favorite word, and why? (University of Virginia)

-          Yes. A word used with confidence and joy. This word has no disadvantages when used honestly. When my friend asks me, did you pass the exam? I would say yes honestly and confidently. The word yes is like sugar on the tip of our tongue. But when it is used inappropriately or dishonestly,  the sweetness dissolves and sometime even turns sour because of your lies. Did she say yes? Yes is the word. You feel joy and comfort.. When you go through the hardest and toughest obstacles and survive it, you don’t go ‘No’ but instead yes, yeah, hell yeah, oh yeah, etc.
-          Nothing beats a Yes when you’ve just finished a exam. Nothing beats a yes when the girl that likes you accepted your proposal for a date. Nothing beats the feeling of relief and comfort. Yes is the laughter of your soul. Yes is the word that keeps your heart at ease. Yes is like the word that leads you to your way to success. It is the word that shows I can accept any challenge and go through any obstacle. Yes is the choice in life. It keeps one going. Life is full of choices and Yes is one of it. Yes can be good and it can be bad, but that how life is, nothing is perfect. Yes is the choice I choose to life. I accept life’s challenge and what life has to offer me.
-          Yes is a word that should be used with honesty because, if you don’t, then you would never feel the feeling of happiness and laughter. Yes is the word of Happiness and Joy. The word that keeps me going.  It’s the word that keeps me happy. It’s the word that keeps me confident. Yes is the word for happiness.

1 comment:

  1. awesomeness

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