Wednesday 30 November 2011

Do you believe there's a generation gap? Describe the differences between your generation and others. (Denison University)

-         My grandmother still does not know how to properly function a cell phone or a television set. The most awesome grandmother in the world. She thinks that her and her generation was so “hip”. She loves playing around and enjoys life. She’s over 80 and has a thing for action movies and the classics. She does enjoy watching movies, action movies, but she still loves the good old classics. She even enjoys hamburgers and French fries from McDonalds. She used to tell me to set up the movie Rambo 2 as Sylvester Stallone was her favorite actor. She’s sad that he does not act any more. She always tells me, when watching action movies, that Rambo would have beaten that man’s behind if he was there. It was cute, but I knew it when I saw it. There was a generation gap between mine and my grandmother’s. Mine was ahead.
-         My Economics teacher has been teaching in my school for over 15 years. She’s a hip teacher with astounding features. Her exact age cannot be determined through looks due to her fun and joyous characteristics. She seems rather young, although she has long, neatly braided white hair. She complains about technology today. She complains about how the computer is so hard to use in class. She had just recently heard of the blue ray discs. It was amusing. She loves watching the good old Bollywood movies. She uses her past experience to bring out examples that are related to the subject. She somewhat acts like a mother to the whole class, trying to bring out her explanation through potatoes’ and saris. She loves using the old style of teaching and detests the projectors teacher use today.
-         Today. It’s all about the technology. The high tech, touch screen phones. The skinny jeans. Short skirts and tight shirts. Converse shoes with the best designs. The projectors and computers used in school today. Facebook is something that everyone has, even my economics teacher, but it is still a mystery if she even uses her Facebook account. New words, well if you call it words, in shorter forms. Take the word ‘btw’ and ‘lol’, some of themost common words used today when chatting online by us youngsters. Something that the previous generation does not have. It’s not every day you hear a 60 year old woman saying “OMG” and “STFU”.  Yes, there is a generation gap and right now, my generation is the one with more facilities than the oldies. The technology so much better than the old TV box. The clothes so much better that even your national clothes are being forgotten. We are the next generation, we are the future.

1 comment:

  1. Lets live fullest before we become outdated.

    Follow me on Exciting website, I must admit!
