Tuesday 15 November 2011

Sartre said, “Hell is other people,” while Streisand sang, “People who need people are the luckiest people in the world.” With whom do you agree? (Amherst)

-         The world is beginning to demise. The candidness of people is endangered. Each animal species seems to turn endangered, and soon extinct, every decade. Industries are born, hell’s own manufacturers and destructors of the earth. From pollution to global warming, Pouching to deforestation, and from violence to overpopulation. We humans are the siblings of sin, the master mind of evil. We humans manage to destroy the earth through the thought of the best of intentions. What are good intentions when our own home is at risk of depletion? What good is the manufacture of a product if the person manufacturing the product dies?
-         Imagine the manufacturing of a common product. You imagine it coming out of factories, made from machines and when your product is broken, you tend to throw it away with not much as a single thought of how it might affect the world.
-         The real process of manufacture is the cutting of trees and destruction of land for mining steel and other resources needed for the production of the products. These trees are sent to the industries and factories where they make use out of the resources.  Little do people know about the damage caused not only to the world, but the damage caused to the people making the product. These people must have been inhaling toxic gases used in making the product and during the same process; it intoxicates or pollutes the earth. When the products are sold in the market, it costs around $80. Little do people know or care about the hard work people would have gone through to make the product. The amount of trees cut, transported and the amount of people that died through intoxications during manufacture. It should be costing over $10,000 minimum. The worst part of all this is that people don’t think about the hardship taken for the manufacture of the product, but the benefits they get from buying the product.
“Hell is other people.” We are hell. What better way to describe humans. The reason the world is in demise, the reason for animal extinction, and the reason for numerous deaths in the world is humans, the people of the world. 

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard of these guys - FavoriteWords.com? Exciting website, I must admit!
