Saturday 28 January 2012

Where you go to hide and why

-         There was always a time when something goes wrong. A fight between my cousins, family and friends. I always get caught between them and since I was young, I have been hiding in this one particular place. A place where peace exists. A place where I can live my own world. A place where I can make my own world. This little place is the small attic accessible from my room. My family and friends think its old and unused. I persuade them that it might just break off and fall soon.
-         But in reality, the attic is slightly cleaned and has a small picnic mat to prevent dust brushing off on me. I don’t use that place for games like hide and seek etc. The hiding place is perfect for me as my parents and all the old people from the family cannot reach. I felt like I was in a castle where the walls could never be breached by the awful lot of my family members.
-         I go hide there to escape the bickering between friends, arguments between family members, crazy ideas from good friends, to feel alone, to be in my own world. To hide from ghosts as I was young. Till today, I sometime visit that small hiding place as now I am too big for it.  


  1. It is awesome how you could find a place in your house as a perfect hide out, even if it were an attic. Honestly for me, I am really scared of attics, but I guess if that is one place that can give you peace, then no one can take that away from you. Awesome how you still visit it, but have a lot of memories help up in that attic. :D

    1. I just found out that my little cousins raided the attic. Bummer.
