Sunday 1 January 2012

A place you try to avoid

-         The only place in my life where torture begins as I enter. The only place where the spider webs dominate the corners of the walls. The only place where the Beatles are still praised along with Elvis. The only place where stories never end. Yes. This is my Grandparents home.
-         When I was young I had to walk to school. Every time I walk to school, I meet my grandmother saying have a good day. It was fine at first, but this kept on going. There was never a day when I didn’t see her in a school day. It was annoying and embarrassing especially when my friends were with me. One day I took another way to school, and the next thing you know; my parents are in school worried that I got lost. My grandmother hadn’t seen me that day, and so she got worried. I was then the laughing stock of school. That was when I hated them.
-         There were times when I had to visit them. They always greeted me  like they have never seen me before. They give me a huge tight hug, kiss my cheeks and give me a huge pinch on the cheeks. I was burning red, not because of me blushing or anything, but me getting angry. They always tell me these weird stories that I’ve heard before, but they keep repeating them. Stories about the past. Stories about the troubled times, when my grandparents had to make a living of the cows and scripture writings. I remember hearing that when I was younger than I already am.
-         Then there is the fact that they are always so loud. I hate loud people. They just don’t have manners. I know their old and all. They might have hearing problems and all that, but I don’t complain about it in front of them. They are so loud.
-         The fact that their home is my worst nightmare just scares me. The fact that I study in a hostel keeps me fearless and sane. Don’t get me wrong, I do love my grandparents, but at times, they are so annoying. They aren’t like any old grandparents, they the types that are hyper active and excited. I guess that’s what makes them annoying. I still think that place brings me bad memories.

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you first tell us about the place you avoid and how you explained why you avoid it. But you're wrong about one thing. I'm sure your grandparents' place is not the only place where Elvis and the Beatles are praised. Old or young, there are millions out there who still can't get over that vibe these singers give out.
    I think your grandma is adorable. :)
