Thursday, 1 December 2011

Do you think that you have the qualifications of a good parent? Discuss.

-         Me! Qualified as a Parent, Please. I am clumsy and forgetful. I leave my room dirty. Watch a lot of movies and eat a lot of food in bed. I play a lot of video games and lazy to move out of my own home. I do enjoy midnight walks and eat junk food. I am open and carefree. I have a lot of friends and also enjoy sports. Do I have the qualifications of a good parent? Well, yes.
-         Aren’t all fathers that way these days? Eating sleeping and having fun. If I had a child, I would want him to think of me as a best friend or brother.  Parents these days complain their children don’t spend much time with them. The reason is for their actions and characters in front of their friends. I love having fun, eating, sleeping and playing video games. I think I would make a great parent. Playing football and basketball with my child’s friends. Talking, chatting and even swearing with my child’s friends. I would make my child’s friends jealous, and would have me as a parent rather than their own.  
-         I do have morals and rules. I do have my timings of fun and studying. I do have fun in life, but also work hard when I have to. I would and will have the highest of hopes for my child. I would want my child too, to have fun in his life and work hard.
-         I think my qualities are the best for a parent. Enjoy, work hard and loving. That’s all the qualities a parent needs to be, not a good parent but, a great, awesome parent. So, yes. I do think I have the qualifications of an ‘awesome’ parent.